DEPARTMENT OF home science

DR. SANGEETA SAIKIA, Assistant Professor & HoD
MOBILE: 9401213898

MOBILE: 6900012119

DR. GITANJALI BORUAH, Assistant Professor
Home Science is an integrated field of study that provides scientific and systematic knowledge about various aspect of Human life. Knowledge of Home Science is derived from Physical, Social and Biological Sciences which are applied towards achieving better, healthier and happier life. The Home Science department of this college opened its avenues to women in order to impart and dissipate knowledge in this field of Home Science in 1983 under the leadership of Mrs Pallavi Barooah.
The college had offered this subject at higher secondary level initially which has been upgraded into a three years degree course in the year 1987. The Department began its major course in the academic session 2007-2008 with a motto to provide opportunity to the students to sharpen their understanding of the subject with a sense of social responsibility. It conceptualizes the student’s knowledge and skill right from where the human life starts, how it grows, develops and expands with physical, physiological, psychological, social and economic dimensions through different courses. The Department encourages the student to develop a scientific temper. Familiarizing them with the use of new technologies, methods in family and the community linkages and sustainable use of resources for human development are the hallmark of education in Home Science. Department engaged the students through teaching, seminars and the extension activities.
The teachers as mentors offered career related, personal as well as psychological guidance and counselling to empower the students to improve the quality of life. The Department of Home science has got five different specialization like – Food and Nutrition, Human Development, Textile and Apparel Design, Family Resource Management and Extension Education. Teachers were also actively involved in enriching curricular and extracurricular activities of the students. The alumni of the department were engaged in a wide range of job in Government, public and private sector including entrepreneurship.
The vision of the department is to acquire professional and entrepreneurial skills for economic empowerment of the student in particular and community in general. As a field of specialization, department prepares young students for the two most important goals in their life – caring for home and family as well as preparing for a career or vocation.
Empowering young girls through quality education to meet current and emerging challenges in global perspective for the development of self and society. Capacity building of 2 of 42
the young to inculcate a sound philosophy for holistic living and maintain a sustainable career growth curve.
1. To develop self-confidence and personality of the student to face various challenges in life
- 2. To impart education (Knowledge and skill to the young students in Home science and related areas)
- 3. To prepare students for various profession and vocations.
We all know that “charity begins at home”. Food, shelter and clothing are fundamental for human survival. Studying in depth about these basic human needs for qualitative life is important for sustainable growth and development of any society or a nation. The Department of Home Science of MDKG College is committed to enhance the standard of individuals in general and rural families in particular through teaching, research and extension activities. We are focused to develop a positive and creative mindset among the student and to help them in solving academic and personal problems. Besides the empowerment of woman and girl in rural and urban households through self-employment, the course also aims to prepare the students to become better resource persons in different profiles of job.

Note: The College reserves the right to change the papers offered as options, as well as the number of options offered in any semester, within the prescribed syllabus of Dibrugarh University.
Lecture Series:
- Lecture cum Demonstration class on’ First Aid and Types of Bandages’ by Dr. Hiren Gogoi on 8th March 2004.
- Lecture on “Family Management” by Ms. Madhuchanda Dutta on 29th September, 2011
- Lecture on “Communication process” by Malina Basumatary on 2016.
- Lecture on “Education Technology” by Malina Basumatary on 2018.
- Lecture on Psychological test-a brief overview of personality test and intelligence test” by Abhilupta Padmanathan Gohain on 2019
- Lecture on “Economic systems, consumption, production and distribution” by Jugshikha Dowarah on 2022.
- Workshop on Community Development (Diet of pregnant/lactating women & Food Preservation with locally available fruits and vegetables) at Thekerapukhuri Gaon,
Barbaruah, on 17th November, 2002
- One day training camp on ‘Mushroom Cultivation’ was held on 22nd January, 2004, resource persons were
- R. Buragohain, Asstt. Director of Agriculture, Dibrugarh
- K. Gogoi, Asstt. Agronomist, Dibrugarh
Dr. P. K. Mahanta, Asst. Plant Protection Officer, Dibrugarh
- Workshop on ‘Assamese Jewellery Making’ held on 19th February,
- Workshop cum Demonstration on ‘Decorative Candle Making’ held on 25th April,
- Workshop cum Demonstration on ‘Makeup’ held on 28th May, 2018
- An Awareness programme on ‘Silk mark’ organized by Silk mark organization of India, Sponsored by Central Silk Board, Regional Development Office, Guwahati on 25th August, 2018.
- Salad competition was organized onthe occasion of National Nutrition Week 6th September,
- A lecture on ‘Junk food and Adolescent’ was organized on the occasion of National Nutrition Week, 4th September, 2019.
- Nutritious Beverage competition was held in Home Science Department on 7th September,
- Interactive session on Holistic wellness: Grow and Glow for a healthy life” on 3rd September, 2022 on the occasion of celebrating National Nutrition Week from 1st– 7th September,
Add On Certificate Course
- Fashion Designing with Tailoring, course duration: 1 year from 2005-2006.
- Food Processing, UGC sponsored (certified) course, course duration: 1year from 2005-2006.

Students are availed scholarship given by UGC, OIL, SC, ST, and ISHAN UDAY scholarship, Govt. of Assam etc.
Resource Management- Dr.MandiraBarthakurSaikia
Published Introduction to Textiles– Dr.MandiraBarthakurSaikia
- Surobhi Singh, Entrepreneur
- Nivea Virdhi, Entrepreneur (Professional Makeup artist).
- Upashree Dutta, Gold Medalist in M.Sc. (Faculty of Home Science) AvinaShillingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, now doing Mable Frank, Fashion
- Saujanya Das, Assistant Professor, Darang
- Epsita Borbora, Clinical Psychologist, Christian Missionary Hospital, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi
- Nasifa Khatoon, Nutrition Counsellor, NRHM, Assam
- Devjani Bhattacharya, Lawyer, Dibrugarh .

List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department

Manoharian/Departmental Rural Outreach Programme
- Awareness programme on ‘Health in relation to nutrition’ at Victoria Bengali Girls Higher Secondary School on 1st September and 24th September,
- Awareness programme on ‘Nutrition Education’ among women folk of PohariKhanya village on 8th March 2009.
- Short term extension programme on ‘Basic technique of Tie & Dye Printing Method as an income generating activity’ at Anganwadi workers training centre, Dibrugarh District Branch on 12th March 2010.
- Extension programme on Nutrition from ‘Locally available vegetables and fruits’ held in Moderkhat Tea Estate on 24-04-2015
- Awareness Programme on Health and hygiene at Mohanbari Tea Estate on 04.2016.
- Extension programme on ‘Health and Nutrition’ in Thanai Tea Estate on 23-04-2018.
- Awareness programme on ‘Diet and Nutrition of Pregnant Women’ at Nagakhelia Gaon, Mohanaghat, Dibrugarh on 4th June
- Students of the department actively engaged in rural outreach programme under the guidance of Adopted Village Coordinators and NSS Programme Officer.
Student Enrolment in the Department and Pass Percentage