Dr. Nibedita Phukan
Principal, MDKG College
Email: nibeditap18@gmail.com
1. Name: Dr. Nibedita Phukan
2. Designation: Principal, Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India
3. Working experience:
(a) Teaching: 23 years
(b) Administrative: 09/09/2019 onwards.
4. Academic Qualification: M A in English (University of Pune, Maharashtra), PGCTE (EFLU, Hyderabad), M Phil
(Vinayaka Missions University), MBA in HR (Sikkim Manipal University), Ph.D. (Gauhati University)
5. Other Qualification: CTE (IGNOU)
6. Area of Specialization: Literature.
7. Area of Interest: Postcolonial Literature, Neocolonialism, Language Acquisition, Gender Equality and Equity
8. Email: nibeditap18@gmail.com
9. Orientation Programme /Refresher Courses attended:
Orientation/ Refresher Place | Date and Year | Place |
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English | Contact Programme, (Equivalent to one Refresher Course), June, 1999 |
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, (English and Foreign Languages University), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh |
Refresher Course | 10.06.2002 to 30.06.2002 | Dibrugarh University |
Orientation Programme | 31 January, 2005 to 27 February, 2005 |
ASC, Gauhati University |
Refresher Course | 4th March, 2008 to 25th March, 2008 |
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong |
Refresher Course | 8 November to 28 November, 2010 |
ASC, Gauhati University |
Short Term Course | 10 March to 16 March, 2016 | HRDC, Gauhati University |
10. Research Publications:
Title of the Topic | Journal /Book | National/ International | ISSN/ISBN |
The Effect of Higher Education on Socio‐ Economic Status of Women in Namrup Area | Women Issues Development in Indian Perspectives 2013 | National | ISBN: 978‐93‐5104‐ 434‐5 |
Reflections of Racism in J. M. Coetzee’s Novel: Disgrace | Drishti: the Sight Volume III, Issue I, May, 2014 |
National Refereed Biennial Journal in English Literature Assamese Literature Folklore Culture |
ISSN: 2319‐8281 |
Can Women Make Decisions? |
Uttaran 27th September, 2014 |
A bilingual collection of research based articles on women issues | ISBN: 978‐9381‐ 069‐61‐5 |
A Historical Perspective on English Language Policies in Pre‐ independent Assam | Perspectives January, 2016 | A Volume of Multidisciplinary Research Article |
ISBN: 978‐81‐ 92178‐46‐2 |
Designing of English Curriculum for Quality Augmentation at Secondary Level in Assam |
The International Research Specialist |
A Quarterly Refereed / Peer Reviewed International Journal, 2016‐17 Journal Impact Factor: 3.5, Volume: 4th /Issue: 13th/January‐March 2017 |
ISSN: 2350‐199 (Online); 2350‐ 0751 (Print) |
Impact of Language Policy on Primary Education of Mising and Tea‐tribes of Assam. | Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature |
An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal. Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Impact Factor: 4. |
ISSN:239‐9753 |
Representation of Status of Women in Madhava Kandali’s Ramayana. | Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature |
An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal. Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Impact Factor: 4.092. |
ISSN:239‐9753 |
English Curriculum at Secondary Level in Assam. | International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies | A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146. |
ISSN:2395‐2628 (Print):2349‐945 (Online) |
Representation of Postcolonial Women in Amitav Ghosh’s Novel The Shadow Lines. | Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature |
An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed). Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Journal. Impact Factor: 4.092. |
ISSN:239‐9753 |
Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines: A Postcolonial Novel. | Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature |
An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed). Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Journal. Impact Factor: 4.092. |
ISSN:239‐9753 |
Nature in the Ramayana: Interpreting the Katha‐ Ramayana. | International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies | A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146. |
ISSN:2395‐2628 (Print):2349‐945 (Online) |
Quest for Identity in Amitav Ghosh’s Novel, ‘The Shadow Lines’. | International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies | A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146. |
ISSN:2395‐2628 (Print):2349‐945 (Online) |
Environment of Teaching English in Rural General Colleges of Dibrugarh District of Assam. | Research Journal of English Language and Literature |
A Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Vol.7. Issue 1. 2019 (February) Impact Factor: 6.8992. |
ISSN: 2349‐9451 |
Teachers’ Role in Language Policy Formulating Process at Secondary Level in Assam. | International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies | A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Research Journal. Impact Factor: 6.0176. |
ISSN: 2455‐0418 (Print), 2394‐9724 (Online) |
11. Seminar/conference attended/ participated:
Title of the Seminar | Organized by | National/International |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, ), New Orleans, USA |
International Convention, (12, 13, 14 April, 2010) |
Challenges in Higher Education in India with Special Reference to North‐East (Paper Presented) | Naharkatiya College | UGC National Seminar, (21 & 22 May, 2010) |
Recent Trends in Traditional Phytotherapy: Safety, Efficacy, Drug Discovery & Priority Issues |
Namrup College |
UGC National Seminar, (2 & 3 December, 2010) |
Women Issues and Development in Indian Perspectives (Paper Presented) | Gargaon College |
ICSSR National Seminar 5th November, 2011)
River, Society and Sustainable Development | Dibrugarh University | International Seminar (26‐29 May, 2011) |
Meeting Undergraduate Students’ English Language Needs: Exploring Current Pedagogical Practices (Paper Presented) |
Department of English Language Teaching, Gauhati University | National ELT Conference, (19 &20 January, 2012) |
International Seminar on Ethnicity, Identity and Literature (Poster Presented) | Sibsagar College |
International Seminar, (11,12, 13, 14 October, 2012) |
Documentation and Preservation of North East India’s Culture | Gauhti University Institute of North East India Studies, Guwahati |
National Workshop, (9, 10 &11 March, 2013) |
Higher Educational Institutions of Rural and Backward Areas of Assam: Challenges and Remedies (Paper Presented) |
IQAC, Namrup College | National Seminar (11‐12 June, 2013) |
Reading the Ramayana: Text and Context (Paper Presented) |
Department of English, Cotton College | National Seminar, (11‐12 February, 2014) |
India’s North‐East Beyond Borders: Past, Present & Future (Paper Presented) |
Department of Sociology, Margherita College |
UGC & ICSSR International Seminar, (17th and 18th October, 2014) |
The Indian Novel in the Post‐ Independence Period (Paper Presented) | Department of English, Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya | UGC National Seminar, (6th and 7th February, 2015) |
Role of Optics & Philosophy in Environment Protection (Paper Presented) |
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy, Women’s College, Tinsukia |
National Conference, (10 & 11 March, 2015) |
Harnessing Science for Societal Development | Assam Agriculture University:: Jorhat |
National Seminar, (21 March, 2015) |
Human Rights: Ethics and Values in North East India | Namrup College | UGC National Seminar, (26th & 27th March, 2015) |
CoDesigns. Envisioning Multi‐sited Language Education Policies (Paper Presented) | Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, Europe | International Conference, (June 20‐22, 2016) |
Quality Issues in School Education with Special reference to North‐East India (Paper Presented) | Department of Education, Rangia College, Kamrup | UGC National Seminar, (20th & 21st October, 2016) |
Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature & Society 2018 (Paper Presented) |
LLS2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Asia |
International Conference, (19‐ 21 July 2018) |
12. Workshop/Training
Title/ Theme | Period | Organized by | Year |
Higher Education in the 21st Century: Problems & Prospects with Special Reference to the North East India | 13th Annual Conference |
Department of Education, Dibrugarh University |
18th & 19th March, 2004 |
Research Methodology for Gender Studies | Training Course |
Centre for Women’s Studies, Dibrugarh University |
6‐10 September, 2005 |
Planning for and Pursuit of Quality Improvement of Higher Education in Rural Areas of North‐East India |
Regional Seminar | Duliajan College | 19th and 20th January, 2007 |
Challenges to Human Rights with Special Reference to Assam | State Level Seminar | Duliajan College | 10th December, 2007 |
Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education | GU UGC Residential Workshop | Department of English Language Teaching, Gauhati University | 5 to 9 January, 2010 |
Effective Best Practices for Evaluation of Internal Assessment in Higher Education (Semester System) |
UGC National workshop | Duliajan College | (29th & 30 June, 2010) |
58th Annual Conference | ACTA | Duliajan College | 23‐26 June, 2011 |
Problems of Teaching English as Second Language in Secondary and Higher Education | UGC Workshop |
Department of English, Kakojan College |
3‐4 November, 2011 |
Professional Development Workshop on Teaching English Language Skills | Embassy of the United States of America‐New Delhi | Sonapur College | 14‐15 November, 2011 |
Academic Performance Indicator | Zonal Symposium | Namrup College | 24th January, 2012 |
Professional Development Program on Integrating English Language Skills in the ESL Classroom | Embassy of the United States of America‐New Delhi | Sonapur College | 1‐3 November, 2012 |
Gender Discourse in Literature | State Level Symposium |
Department of English, D.H.S.K. College |
18/2/2012 |
Role of Women’s Cells in Colleges towards Oppressed Women in Society |
UGC Zonal Symposium | Namrup College | 5th May 2012 |
Women and Environment | Zonal Workshop | Women’s Cell ACTA, Dibrugarh Zone | 29th July, 2013 |
ICSSR National Workshop (Equivalent to one Short Term Course) | National Level | Institute of Tai Studies & Research: Moranhat | 16‐25 December, 2013 |
Workshop on Creative Writing in English | National Level |
Department of English, Dibruagrh University |
20‐23 March, 2014 |
6th Women Convention, 2014 | State Level | Women Cell, ACTA, Assam | 27th September, 2014 |
ICSSR National Workshop (Equivalent to one Short Term Course) | National Level | Institute of Tai Studies & Research: Moranhat | 17‐23December, 2014 |
Social Justice and Ambedkar in Contemporary India | UGC State Level Workshop |
Ambedkar Study Centre, Namrup College |
30th March, 2015 |
Short Term Programme | RUSA, Zonal Level | Namrup College | 19‐22 December, 2017 |
Dr.B. R. Ambedkar’s Ideas of Annihilation of Caste and Abolition of Untouchability | UGC State Level Workshop |
Ambedkar Study Centre, Namrup College |
26th /27th March, 2018 |
Short Term Programme (TLC, Tezpur University) | National Level | Namrup College | 9 February to 14 February, 2019 |
13. Article/Essay/Writings etc.
Topic | Magazine/Journal/News Paper etc. | Year of Publication |
Science in Home Environment | Chintan Bikshan, Journal, Dibrugarh Zone, ACTA | 2009‐2010 |
Desh Rakshat Nareer Bhumika (Women in Protecting of Motherland) | Bhadoi, A Souvenir of Dhadoi Trimurty | March, 2014 |
Enraji Bhasar Utcharon Siko Aaha (Let Us Learn the Pronunciation of English Language) |
Kunhi, Children’s Journal of Asom Sahitya Sabha | Year III, Issue 2, August: 2015 |
Enraji Bhasar Utcharon Siko Aaha (Let Us Learn the Pronunciation of English Language) | Kunhi, Children’s Journal of Asom Sahitya Sabha | Year III, Issue 3, February: 2016 |
Sikshar Buniyad aaru Samprotik Asomor Siksha Byavastha (Foundation of Education and Education System of Contemporary Assam) | Janasadharan, An Assamese Daily | 30/10/2016 |
14. Any other volunteer/assign duty for the development of the Institute/ Students oriented activities:
Item(s) | Volunteer/Assign duty | Duration |
Soft Skill Training Programme (Namrup College) | Student Trainer | 2017‐2018‐2019. |
15. She was member of Namrup College Teachers’ Unit, and carried out the office of secretary of the same in the year 2006-2007 and was Zonal representative of the college for two different terms. Presently she is a member of Assam College Principal’s Council.