Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls' College

Dr. Nibedita Phukan

Dr. Nibedita Phukan

Principal, MDKG College


1. Name: Dr. Nibedita Phukan
2. Designation: Principal, Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India
3. Working experience:
(a) Teaching: 23 years
(b) Administrative: 09/09/2019 onwards.
4. Academic Qualification: M A in English (University of Pune, Maharashtra), PGCTE (EFLU, Hyderabad), M Phil
(Vinayaka Missions University), MBA in HR (Sikkim Manipal University), Ph.D. (Gauhati University)
5. Other Qualification: CTE (IGNOU)
6. Area of Specialization: Literature.
7. Area of Interest: Postcolonial Literature, Neocolonialism, Language Acquisition, Gender Equality and Equity
8. Email:


9. Orientation Programme /Refresher Courses attended:

Orientation/ Refresher  Place Date and Year Place
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English Contact Programme,
(Equivalent to one Refresher
Course), June, 1999
Central Institute of English and Foreign
Languages, (English and Foreign Languages
University), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Refresher Course 10.06.2002 to 30.06.2002 Dibrugarh University
Orientation Programme 31 January, 2005 to 27
February, 2005
ASC, Gauhati University
Refresher Course 4th March, 2008 to 25th
March, 2008
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Refresher Course 8 November to 28 November,
ASC, Gauhati University
Short Term Course 10 March to 16 March, 2016 HRDC, Gauhati University

10. Research Publications:

Title of the Topic Journal /Book National/ International ISSN/ISBN
The Effect of Higher Education on Socio‐ Economic Status of Women in Namrup Area Women       Issues Development in Indian Perspectives 2013 National ISBN: 978‐93‐5104‐ 434‐5
Reflections of Racism in J. M.      Coetzee’s      Novel: Disgrace Drishti: the Sight Volume III, Issue I, May, 2014

National Refereed Biennial Journal in English Literature Assamese Literature

Folklore Culture

ISSN: 2319‐8281
Can Women Make


27th September, 2014

A bilingual collection of research based articles on women issues ISBN:      978‐9381‐ 069‐61‐5
A Historical Perspective on English Language Policies          in          Pre‐ independent Assam Perspectives January, 2016 A Volume of Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN:       978‐81‐ 92178‐46‐2

Designing of English Curriculum for Quality Augmentation                at

Secondary Level in Assam

The               International Research Specialist

A Quarterly Refereed / Peer Reviewed International Journal, 2016‐17 Journal Impact Factor: 3.5, Volume: 4th /Issue:

13th/January‐March 2017

ISSN:        2350‐199

(Online);        2350‐ 0751 (Print)

Impact of Language Policy on Primary Education of Mising and Tea‐tribes of Assam. Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature

An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal. Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Impact

Factor: 4.

Representation of Status of Women in Madhava Kandali’s Ramayana. Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature

An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journal. Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Impact

Factor: 4.092.

English Curriculum at Secondary Level in Assam. International Journal of English              Language, Literature                    and Translation Studies A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146.


(Print):2349‐945 (Online)

Representation              of Postcolonial Women in Amitav Ghosh’s Novel The Shadow Lines. Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature

An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed). Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Journal. Impact

Factor: 4.092.

Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines: A Postcolonial Novel. Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature

An International Peer Reviewed (Refereed). Volume: 6 /Issue: 1, 2019. Journal. Impact

Factor: 4.092.

Nature in the Ramayana: Interpreting the Katha‐ Ramayana. International Journal of English              Language, Literature                    and Translation Studies A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146.


(Print):2349‐945 (Online)

Quest for Identity in Amitav Ghosh’s Novel, ‘The Shadow Lines’. International Journal of English              Language, Literature                    and Translation Studies A Quarterly, Indexed, Refereed and Peer Reviewed Open access International Journal. Vol.6. Issue.1.2019 (Jan‐March) Impact Factor: 7.146.


(Print):2349‐945 (Online)

Environment of Teaching English in Rural General Colleges of Dibrugarh District of Assam. Research Journal of English Language and Literature

A Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Vol.7. Issue 1. 2019 (February)

Impact Factor: 6.8992.

ISSN: 2349‐9451
Teachers’ Role in Language                 Policy Formulating Process at Secondary Level in Assam. International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Research Journal. Impact Factor: 6.0176.

ISSN:      2455‐0418 (Print), 2394‐9724


11. Seminar/conference attended/ participated:

Title of the Seminar Organized by National/International
American Association of Petroleum Geologists

American Association   of   Petroleum

Geologists, ), New Orleans, USA

International Convention, (12,

13, 14 April, 2010)

Challenges in Higher Education in India with Special Reference to North‐East (Paper Presented) Naharkatiya College UGC National Seminar, (21 & 22 May, 2010)

Recent Trends in Traditional Phytotherapy: Safety, Efficacy, Drug Discovery & Priority


Namrup College

UGC National Seminar, (2 & 3

December, 2010)

Women Issues and Development in Indian Perspectives (Paper Presented) Gargaon College

ICSSR National Seminar 5th November, 2011)


River, Society and Sustainable Development Dibrugarh University International Seminar (26‐29 May, 2011)

Meeting Undergraduate Students’ English Language       Needs:        Exploring        Current

Pedagogical Practices (Paper Presented)

Department           of             English Language  Teaching, Gauhati University National ELT Conference, (19 &20 January, 2012)
International Seminar on Ethnicity, Identity and Literature (Poster Presented) Sibsagar College

International Seminar, (11,12,

13, 14 October, 2012)

Documentation and Preservation of North East India’s Culture Gauhti University Institute of North East India Studies, Guwahati

National Workshop, (9, 10 &11

March, 2013)

Higher Educational Institutions of Rural and Backward Areas of Assam: Challenges and

Remedies (Paper Presented)

IQAC, Namrup College National Seminar (11‐12 June, 2013)

Reading the   Ramayana:   Text   and   Context

(Paper Presented)

Department of English, Cotton College National      Seminar,      (11‐12 February, 2014)

India’s North‐East Beyond Borders: Past,

Present & Future (Paper Presented)

Department of Sociology, Margherita College

UGC & ICSSR International

Seminar, (17th and 18th October, 2014)

The Indian Novel in the Post‐ Independence Period (Paper Presented) Department of English, Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya UGC National Seminar, (6th and 7th February, 2015)

Role of Optics & Philosophy

in Environment Protection (Paper Presented)

Department     of  Mathematics  and Philosophy, Women’s College, Tinsukia

National Conference, (10 & 11

March, 2015)

Harnessing Science for Societal Development Assam Agriculture University:: Jorhat

National Seminar, (21 March,


Human Rights: Ethics and Values in North East India Namrup College UGC National Seminar, (26th & 27th March, 2015)
CoDesigns. Envisioning Multi‐sited Language Education Policies (Paper Presented) Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, Europe International           Conference, (June 20‐22, 2016)
Quality Issues in School Education with Special reference to North‐East India (Paper Presented) Department    of  Education,  Rangia College, Kamrup UGC National Seminar, (20th & 21st October, 2016)

Fifth International Conference on Language,

Literature & Society 2018 (Paper Presented)

LLS2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Asia

International Conference, (19‐

21 July 2018)

12. Workshop/Training

Title/ Theme Period Organized by Year
Higher Education in the 21st Century: Problems & Prospects with Special Reference to the North East India 13th Annual Conference

Department          of Education, Dibrugarh


18th & 19th March, 2004
Research Methodology for Gender Studies Training Course

Centre                  for

Women’s    Studies, Dibrugarh University

6‐10       September, 2005

Planning for and Pursuit of Quality Improvement of Higher Education in Rural Areas of North‐East


Regional Seminar Duliajan College 19th       and       20th January, 2007
Challenges to Human Rights with Special Reference to Assam State Level Seminar Duliajan College 10th         December, 2007
Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education GU      UGC           Residential Workshop Department          of English Language Teaching, Gauhati University 5 to 9 January, 2010

Effective Best Practices for Evaluation of Internal

Assessment in Higher Education (Semester System)

UGC National workshop Duliajan College (29th & 30 June, 2010)
58th Annual Conference ACTA Duliajan College 23‐26 June, 2011
Problems of Teaching English as Second Language in Secondary and Higher Education UGC Workshop

Department                              of English,       Kakojan


3‐4          November, 2011
Professional     Development      Workshop      on Teaching English Language Skills Embassy of the United States of America‐New Delhi Sonapur College 14‐15      November, 2011
Academic Performance Indicator Zonal Symposium Namrup College 24th January, 2012
Professional Development Program on Integrating English Language Skills in the ESL Classroom Embassy of the United States of America‐New Delhi Sonapur College 1‐3          November, 2012
Gender Discourse in Literature State Level Symposium

Department          of

English,       D.H.S.K. College


Role of Women’s Cells in Colleges towards

Oppressed Women in Society

UGC Zonal Symposium Namrup College 5th May 2012
Women and Environment Zonal Workshop Women’s           Cell ACTA, Dibrugarh Zone 29th July, 2013
ICSSR National Workshop (Equivalent to one Short Term Course) National Level Institute of Tai Studies & Research: Moranhat 16‐25      December, 2013
Workshop on Creative Writing in English National Level

Department          of English,  Dibruagrh


20‐23 March, 2014
6th Women Convention, 2014 State Level Women Cell, ACTA, Assam 27th        September, 2014
ICSSR National Workshop (Equivalent to one Short Term Course) National Level Institute of Tai Studies & Research: Moranhat 17‐23December, 2014
Social Justice and Ambedkar in Contemporary India UGC         State         Level Workshop

Ambedkar       Study

Centre,        Namrup College

30th March, 2015
Short Term Programme RUSA, Zonal Level Namrup College 19‐22      December, 2017
Dr.B. R. Ambedkar’s Ideas of Annihilation of Caste and Abolition of Untouchability UGC         State         Level Workshop

Ambedkar       Study

Centre,        Namrup College

26th /27th     March, 2018
Short Term Programme (TLC, Tezpur University) National Level Namrup College 9 February to 14 February, 2019

13. Article/Essay/Writings etc.

Topic Magazine/Journal/News Paper etc. Year of Publication
Science in Home Environment Chintan Bikshan, Journal, Dibrugarh Zone, ACTA 2009‐2010
Desh Rakshat Nareer Bhumika (Women in Protecting of Motherland) Bhadoi, A Souvenir of Dhadoi Trimurty March, 2014

Enraji Bhasar Utcharon Siko Aaha (Let Us Learn     the     Pronunciation      of     English


Kunhi, Children’s Journal of Asom Sahitya Sabha Year III, Issue 2, August: 2015
Enraji Bhasar Utcharon Siko Aaha (Let Us Learn the Pronunciation of English Language) Kunhi, Children’s Journal of Asom Sahitya Sabha Year III, Issue 3, February: 2016
Sikshar Buniyad aaru Samprotik Asomor Siksha Byavastha (Foundation of Education and Education System of Contemporary Assam) Janasadharan, An Assamese Daily 30/10/2016

14. Any other volunteer/assign duty for the development of the Institute/ Students oriented activities:

Item(s) Volunteer/Assign duty Duration
Soft Skill Training Programme (Namrup College) Student Trainer 2017‐2018‐2019.

15. She was member of Namrup College Teachers’ Unit, and carried out the office of secretary of the same in the year 2006-2007 and was Zonal representative of the college for two different terms. Presently she is a member of Assam College Principal’s Council.