Magazine Contents
About the MDKG e-Magazine
The idea of publishing of an online magazine is the need of the hour. Thinking about the importance of a magazine for the teaching and non-teaching staff members and their children the idea of publishing an e-magazine came to the mind of the college authority. A workplace is not only for performing the assigned duty of our posts and designation, but a homely environment in the workplace creates a humane bonding for all. In this individualistic age we are usually less interested to our fellow human beings and their families too. I hope this magazine will bring a homely environment to know our families of MDKG College fraternity.
Each and every member are active in their own way. This magazine tries to keep a record of these activities for perusal of all, in this sense it is also a chronicle of the College.
The magazine is meant for the teaching and non-teaching staff members of the college and their children. Students are not included in this magazine as they have their student College Magazine, “Manoharian”.
The e-magazine is dedicated to all who love the College from the core of their heart.

Dr. Paresh Baruah, President, Governing Body, MDKG College
It gives me immense pleasure to know that MDKG College, Dibrugarh is going to launch E- Magazine which includes useful topics on various subjects.Online-Magazine have a great educative value and are a lot more versatile than their print version. I hope that the magazine shall provide a platform for presenting the creative and innovative potentials of the teachers and students which will enhance the overall academic excellence of the college. convey my best wishes to the Editor and all members associated with it and congratulate all concerned for the successful publication of the E – Magazine

Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal, MDKG College, Dibrugarh
Outbreak of novel Coronavirus or the Covid-19 pandemic brought a halt to the movement of mankind for the last one and half years. This unprecedented incident opened up windows of diversified experiences to one and all. Especially teaching – learning situation accelerated to the lap of technology abruptly. The warm physical humane classrooms turned into the virtual world. Presence of the students and teachers in physical classrooms turned into the audio-video presence on computers, laptops, i-pads and mobile handsets etc.
The third wave of Covid-19 pandemic is about to begin. Educational institutions are not yet opened. We have to wait for the decisions of the governments. Hope governments would take suitable decisions with consultation of all the stakeholders of educational world. Until then we have to cope up the situation of online teaching and learning education system.
The Volume 1, Issue 1 of MDKGe-Magazine is unveiled with this issue. Hope the readers will be benefitted from the reading. Happy Reading to you all!
Principal has taken following initiatives after joining the college in 09-09-2019 for overall development of the college:
1) MDKG College had two cells- Gender Sensitization Cell and Women’s Cell of MDKG College, but to fill up the gap of Legislative Act, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 which was passed by the Lok Sabha on 3rd September 2012 and by the Rajya Sabha on 26 February, 2013, College formed this Committee on 10th October, 2019 of which Dr. Anita Sharma is the first Presiding Officer.
2) Looking into the matter of development of students’ sports activities a Sports Committee was formed in the same meeting of which Utpal Gogoi is the first Convener.
3) Literary and Debating Committee was formed on 10th October 2019 to provide platform for development of literary and debating competencies among students. Dr. Rizia Begum Laskar is the first Coordinator of this Committee.
4) Celebration of International Women’ Day 8th March, by the College held for the first time in the year 2020.
5) Celebration of Establishment Day of the College annually started in the year 2020 though celebration of 25th and 50th anniversary occurred in a grand manner. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic the state government declared lockdown on Sundays in those previous months which compelled the College authority to celebrate it the next day on 6th July 2020, Monday.
6) On 19/12/2020 Principal visited Nagakhelia Gaon along with a team of the following colleagues of the College:
Dr. Utpal Sut, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Coordinator, IQAC
Utpal Gogoi, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Convener of Sports Committee
Aniruddha Dutta, Associate Professor, Department of Assamese
Dr. Jogesh Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Secretary of ACTA Unit
Jadav Jyoti Saikia, Librerian.
A meeting was held in the Nagakhelia Gaon Lower Primary School with the village people and the proposal was declared there that the College wished to adopt the village for working together for over all development of the village and the college. College authority and the team expressed wish to extend educational and other guidance for socio-economic development of the village. A very good response was received from the village people in this regard.
As a follow up process, a committee for communication and correspondence with the adopted village was formed with three coordinators, Utpal Gogoi, Aniruddha Dutta and Dr. Jogesh Das; Utpal Gogoi as the Chief Coordinator of the committee.
7) Sanchay and Rhindan Samabay Samiti was formed in a general meeting on 10/2/2021 under the president ship of the Principal and cooperation of Dr. Utpal Sut, Coordinator of IQAC. Office of the Secretary and President of the first committee has been entrusted to Dr. Shekhar Chakraborty and Sekhar Purkayashtha respectively. Samity was formed under the initiative of the Principal to provide financial welfare to faculty members and non-teaching staff of the College for a better organization environment.
8) The College Museum has been set up on 5th July, 2021 to commemorate the 59th Establishment Day Celebration of the College with the idea to preserve knowledge along with old memories for benefit of the future generation. Inauguration of the Museum was graced by Dr. Paresh Baruah, President, Governing Body the College.
9) Set up of the following Projects:
- Vermicomposting project in Science block under the guidance of Department of Botany
- Pottery training and startup project in and for adopted village (The best selected proposal submitted by Rajjyoti Gogoi, Assistant Professor of chemistry)
- Pisciculture project in adopted village (Proposal submitted by the Department of Zoology).
10) Last but not least, the Principal decided to publish a quarterly bilingual online magazine MDKGe-Magazine from the month of September, 2021.
Future Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education
A talk on opportunities and challenges in higher education was held in the Arts blockof the College on 25th September,2019.The programme was inaugurated by the principal, Dr. Nibedita Phukan, and the objective was stated by Dr. Utpal Sut, Coordinator, IQAC. Professor Jogen Chandra Kalita, department of Zoology of Gauhati University delivered speech as resource person in the programme. In his speech, Prof. Kalita spoke on future opportunities and challenges before our students through SWOC analysis with various examples. He gave importance on critical and creative thinking of students. Prof. Kalita explained different opportunities to study and do researches abroad. Students can excel in their academic life with innovative and problem solving attitude and mind. The programme was ended with vote of thanks offered by Dr. Utpal Sut.

Career Opportunities in Higher Education
Under the aegis of IQAC, a talk programme on career counselling was held on 3rd October,2019 in conference hall of science block of MDKG College. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Utpal Sut, Coordinator of IQAC of the College and he talked about the objective of organising the programme. Dr. Digbijoy Nath, Assistant professor, department of Mathematics of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Mr. Gaurav Baruah, research scholar in the Universityof Zurich, Switzerland delivered speeches as resource persons in the programme. Dr. Nath spoke on the available career opportunities in competitive examinations and illustrated the preparation processes need for different competitive examinations conducted by Union Public Service Commission(UPSC).He talked about the necessary preparation for taking opportunities in research in foreign universities. Mr. Gaurav Baruah, talked on doing researches in foreign countries with his personal experiences. He encouraged students to adopt systematic strategy for higher studies and researches in foreign universities. Both the resource persons cleared the doubts raised by the student participants. The programme was ended by vote of thanks offered by Rajjyoti Gogoi, Assistant professor, department of Chemistry.
A talk on draft of National Education Policy,2019 was held 29th October, 2019 in College. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal of MDKG College. Dr. UtpalSut, Coordinator of IQAC explained the objective of holding this talk. Dr. Dilip Kumar Bhuyan, former Principal of the College delivered speech as resource person. Dr. Bhuyan covered the aspects of the draft of National Education Policy such as transformation of education system for facilitating national development, transforming assessment for student development, effective teacher recruitment, professional standards for teachers, equitable and inclusive education, continuous professional development, a new forward looking vision of higher education, instructional research and consolidation, optimal learning environment and supports for students, energised, engaged and capable faculty for excellence in teaching and research. The programme was ended by the vote of thanks offered by Dr. UtpalSut.
Programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
A talk on Intellectual Property Rights was held on 31st October, 2019 at the college premises. The talk programme was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Nibedita Phukan. The objective of the programme was defined by Dr. Utpal Sut, Coordinator, IQAC of the College. Dr. Pankaj Das, Professor in the department of Chemistry of Dibrugarh University, delivered the speech as the resource person. Dr. Das spoke on intellectual property rights and in his deliberation he covered the definition of IPRs, different types of IPRs specially the copy rights and how copy rights are violated in modern days across the world in different lines of works. Dr.Das covered the issue of plagiarism and how plagiarism affects the research works with citation of different real facts happening in India and in around the world. Mr. Rishov Jyoti Borah, faculty of Centre of Juridical Studies of Dibrugarh University delivered lecture and illustrated the legal issues associated with intellectual property rights and how penalties are imposed on violation of IPRs. An effective interactive session was followed by the deliberations of both the resource persons. The programme was ended by vote of thanks offered by Dr. Rizia Begum Laskar, core member of IQAC of the college.
Webinar on IPR
Webinar on threats of plagiarism and its way out within the purview of Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs) was organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) of MDKG College, Dibrugarh on 16th July,2021.Dr.ParismitaSarma, Assistant Professor of department of Information Technology of Gauhati University acted as resource person of the webinar. In her speech Dr. Sarma included the definition of Intellectual Property Right (IPR),protection and promotion of IPR, trade mark and copy right, issues related to copy right, digital property right, research mis-conduct, definition of plagiarism and issues related with plagiarism,types of plagiarism, unacceptable excuse for plagiarism, short-run and long-run consequences of plagiarism, tools and software used to detect plagiarism. Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal of the college inaugurated the webinar and Dr. Utpal Sut, IQAC Coordinator extended heartiest welcome to all to the webinar. Mr. Anirban Singha, Coordinator of IPR cell anchored the webinar and proposed vote of thanks to all.
Career Counselling and Placement Cell
Students’ Knowledge Sharing Program on Entrepreneurship Skills on 3rd October 2020
IQAC and Career Counseling & Placement Cell, MDK Girls’ College, Dibrugarh in association with ICFAI Business School, Kolkata successfully hosted a Webinar – Students’ Knowledge Sharing Program on EntrepreneurshipSkills on 3rd October 2020. The orientation began with a brief inaugural speech the Principal of the college Dr. NibeditaPhukan. The dignitaries present on the occasion wereDr. Ajay Pathak (Director – IBS Kolkata), Prof. Kumar Satyaki Ray and Dr. UtpalSut (Coordinator – IQAC, MDK Girls’ College, Dibrugarh.The webinar session was informative and productive. They highlighted the facilities and placement arranged and provided by their institute to the students. A total of 77 students were present along with Dr. Jogesh Das, Coordinator of the Cell.And itwas highly appreciated by all the participants. Few snapshots are inserted here.

Department of Botany
The following below is the departmental activity of BOTANY Department, MDKG College.
1.) The proposal for VERMICOMPOST PROJECT from the Botany department has been sent on 11/03/2020 thePrincipal as good practices for the greater benefit of MDKG college.
Vermicomposting is basically a managed process of worms digesting organic matter of plant and/or animal origin consisting mainly of finely-divided earthworm castings. It supplies nutrients and growth enhancing hormones to plants, improves the soil structure leading to an increase in water and nutrient holding capacities of soil.
2.) As per the submitted plan and estimate for the vermicomposting was set up on 12/07/2021.
3.) On 19th july, 2021 our vermicompost setup was inaugurated by Vice-Principals,Dr.Anju Borah andPurnimaChutia, departmental and other teachers and office staff members from of the college with the preliminary items required forvermi composting setup and started the project.
The setup is properly looked after for improvement and vermicomposting output for good practices and benefit of MDKG College.
Department of Economics
Magazine is a rich platform for the students where their taletns are accentuated.The Departmet of Economics, MDKG College has been publishing its departmental magazine annually since 2013 without any financial help from college authority. The magazine has been published with the prefix ‘Artha’ and subsquent mames like Buzz, Sankhya, Spectrum, Analetcs, Pedia,Drishti consecutivelly till 2018 and our recent publications are ArthaPeriodiko (2019) and ArthaQuest (2020).
Academic particle
The students of this Department,alongwith its teachers participated in many cultural and co-curricular activities. Students of the department could do well in their academic sphere. Lectures and Enterpreneurship Devlopment Courses are regularly conducted by Economics Departmnt to inculcate within the students managerial skills for all round development.
Department of Geography

In view of preparing a Field study report meant for the 5th Semester Geography Major students, an important field tour had been undertaken for a group consisting of 31 students on 22nd October’2019 under the supervision of Dr. Lohit Saikia, Associate Professor of the Department. The tour had been focused on geographically unique Barekuri, an adjacent area to Dibru-Saikhowa National Park as well as DIBRU-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve,Tinsukia District ,Assam. The objectives of the work was to look into the habitat of Hoolock Gibbon, two important Wetlands of the world, viz. Matapung and Maguri beel, orange plantation as horticultural crop, Barekuri Bar Namghar, culture of indigenous Moran Community, etc.
It is to be noted that the Eastern Hoolock Gibbon found here is a rare species of Primates in the North East India. But its 26 number in Greater Barekuri is of immense significance as they coexist with the humans. All the team members were happy enough to enjoy with both of the family members of the Hoolock Gibbon viz. ‘Kalia’ and ‘Rangeen’(as named by villagers) of Dighal Sako Gaon. In addition to Dighalsako, Matapung, Bargaon, Tarajan, Matapung Jagyokhowa, Hatijan Dengka are the villages which are the habitat of the Apes in greater Barekuri. A number of foreigners from different corners of the World and nature lovers visit the habitat of the Hoolock Gibbon to study the life of the rare animal whose life is well-attached to the rural nature-loving people. It is noteworthy that their food habit as well as social life is also unique even for the researchers.
The team visited Maguri -Matapung beel, a part of Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere . The beel is really a heaven for bird lovers. Both the beels constitute as an attached unit of Wetland with rich Biodiversity constituting rich flora and fauna which attract a few numbers of researchers and bird watchers. Barekuri area being bounded by the Hapjan river in the east, Guijan in the west, the Dibru river in the north and the Chenijan in the south is geographically unique. Rich drainage, flora as well as fauna and indigenous human culture, agricultural economy etc. are also very important aspects for field study.

GEOQUEST (A Quiz Competition)
A departmental quiz GEOQUEST was organised by the Geography Department, M.D.K.G.College on 12th October 2019. This Co-curricular activity is in concurrence with imbibing a systematic approach towards raising general awareness, facing competition, developing team spirit and leadership qualities among the students.
The quiz covered aspects of geography like:
- Physical geography
- Human geography
- Regional geography.
There were five rounds as given below:
Name of round | Description | No. of questions | Marks | |
1 | General | Each group was asked a question. If correct marks were awarded, if incorrect or unable to answer, it wasbe passed on to the next group. | 2 questions /group | 10 marks- 1st attempt 5 marks – Pass |
2 | Buzzer | The group who responded first correctly to the questions asked wasbe awarded marks. If answered incorrectly, the audience answered. | 6 questions | 10 marks/correct answer |
3 | Rapid Fire | Each group were asked a set of questions rapidly and the response should be fast. The unanswered/incorrect questions may be passed off to audience. | 5 questions/group Total-30 | 2 marks/correct answer
4 | Audio-visual | Images will be displayed for each group. Questions will be passed on to other groups or audience. | 12 images/group | 10 marks for 1st attempt 5 marks for passed |
5 | Bonus | The 1st group will be asked a question. If answered correctly, they will select another group who will answer the next question. But if answered incorrectly, it will be passed to another group and so on. | 3 questions | 15 marks |
The five groups named after renowned geographers were
- Humboldt Group
- Semple Group
- Hartshrone Group
- Mackinder Group
- Ratzel Group
- Davis Group
Each group had six students representing all the three semesters. Ms Divya Kumari Singh, a student of 5th Semester (Geography Major) acted as the Quiz Master with aplomb. The Humboldt group ranked 1st, Davis 2nd and Mackinder 3rd in the quiz. While the winners were presented medals, all participants were given certificates as a note of encouragement.
Dr. NibeditaPhukan, Principal of the college who graced the occasion lauded the department’s efforts in its objective of preparing students for competitive examinations in an interesting manner.
The medals and certificates were given to the winners and participants by Dr. Nibedita Phukan (Principal), Dr. M. Bagchi (HoD), Dr. L.Saikia (Associate Professor) and Ms D. Bora (Assistant Professor).

Identification of spatial patterns and their processes is inherent in the pedagogyof Geography. In this regard, field study plays a significant role as it helps the students to relate the association between space and environment through empirical experience. It is expected that the students especially those opting Geography as a Major subject are adept in these field based studies and preparation of Field reports there after by their final semester.Therefore, it was decided by the teachers of the Geography department to introduce as an Innovative-Teaching Learning process, the presentation of the acquired information in the form of a seminar.Each student would speak on a particular aspect from the selected broad themes as decided previously. Moreover, a GPS based study is a requisite as a part of the syllabus.
It was decided that the 6th Semester Major students (numbering 31) would betaken on a field visit to Narayanpur and BorKhamtiGaon in Lakhimpur districton20thFebruary2020.Accompanyingthem werethefourteachersof thedepartment, viz., Dr. LohitSaikia (Associate Professor), Dr. MoutusiBagchi(HoD and Associate Professor), Ms. Dipanwita Bora (Assistant Professor) andMs. SangitaGogoi (Assistant Professor) and the departmental Bearer, Sri JogenDihingia.
The main attraction of the field study lay in the visit of Banatirtha, a botanical park located in Madhabpur in Narayanpur (Lakhimpurdistrict) at a distance of about 187km from Dibrugarh. Banatirtha is the brain child of Dr. Prabin Saikia who retired as the HoD of Assamese, Bihpuria College in 2015 and the recipient of the Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Award in 2016-2017 given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, GOI.
Along with the preservation and promotion of the indigenous flora of Assam, Banatirtha attempts to in still among the future generation the values of nature and culture through its Children Project. A series of workshops, seminars and meetings are organised by the creator of Banatirtha for the children where by they are encouraged to learn about the trees and plants, read, act, sing, etc. Banatirtha also boasts of a children’s library, museum, a collection of music instruments, rocks, fossils, etc.

A Colloquium with Dr, Prabin Saikia had been arranged by the Geography Department for its students. Dr. Saikia spoke at length about the various trees and plants in Banatirtha, activities under children project and how he tries to associate nature with the songs, poetry and tradition of the Assamese society.
The deliberation was made lively by recitation and songs by Dr. Saikia. Two students, Leeja Gogoi and Himashree Mishra sang a song with Dr. Saikia accompanying in the harmonium.
This was followed by the presentation of books (about 35 nos.) by the teachersof the department to the library of Banatirtha. Dr. Saikia then took the students on a tour in the botanical park and explained to them the significance of the trees and plants.
The next visit was Bor Khamti Gaon a ST (H) village located a few kilometers from Madhavpur. The village is inhabited by the Khamtis, Deoris, Misings and Kachari tribes. The village was so named because of the Khamtis were once a majority there. There is a Tai Khamti Buddha Mandir. The students made observations and collected information through interviews with the local people.
Another aspect of the field visit was a GPS based study which was conducted by Sangita Gogoi whereby way points were recorded for mapping.

Library’s Programmes:
- Organised webinar on ‘Open Educational Resources’ on 7th June,2021 in association with IQAC, MDKG College. Dr. Morami Gogoi, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Dibrugarh University and Dr. Badan Barman, Asst. Professor, Dept of LIS, Gauhati University were the resource persons.
- Organised a Web Talk Programme on the occasion of National Librarians’ Day on 12th August, 2020 on the topic of “what would happen if Dr. S R Ranganathan was alive today”, where Prof. R C Gaur. Dean& Head, Kalanidhi Division IGNCA, New Delhi, was the chief guest.
ORBITUARY: Ms. Manjula Devi, ex-librarian of MDKG college, Dibrugarh expired on 21 September,2020. Born on March,1946, she completed her education from Gauhati University doing MLibSc. She joined in service on 8 November,1982. She was very energetic and run the library very efficiently. She successfully installed the SOUL 1.0 LMS in the year 2006 after receiving training at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat and finally retired on 31st March, 2006.

Department of Mathematics
Webinars by the Department of Mathematics
On 13th August, 2020, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on ZOOM Platform,Department of Mathematics, MDKG College organized a virtual interactive programme for students as a part of the plan of the department to provide opportunity to the students to interact with research scholars and young teachers working in national and international academic organizations and research institutes.
- The programme was started with an Inaugural Speech delivered by Dr.NibeditaPhukan, Principal, MDKG College.
- SumanaChetia, Research Fellow, the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain was the resource person and delivered her speech on the topic “Mathematics in Interdisciplinary Research”.
- Fruitful interaction held among student participants and resource person.
Department organized an international level Webinar on “Prime Numbers: Structures and Patterns” on 22/12/2020 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am on Google Meet platform as a part of National Mathematics Day celebration.
- Meeting was started with an Inaugural Speech delivered by Dr.NibeditaPhukan, Principal, MDKG College.
- P. D. Goswami, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, DHSK College, Dibrugarhwas present as Guest of Honour.
- KunjakananNath, Ph.D. Student, Universite De Montreal, Canada wasthe resource person.
- Students of various colleges and universities participated in the webinar.
- Fruitful interaction held among student participants and resource person.
Department of Philosophy
- Organized and celebrated ‘World Philosophy Day 2019:
The World Philosophy Day 2019 was celebrated in the department of Philosophy on 1st November2019 (instead of the actual date on 21st of November due to coming semester examination under Dibrugarh University) in the presence the Principal Dr.NibeditaPhukan,students and faculty members. The programme commenced with few words from Principal. Dr.MoutusiBagchi,Associate Professor of the department of Geography of MDKG College delivered a lecture on ‘Environmentalism and HumanThought’.It was a successful deliberation to sensitize young minds and esteemed audiences to ponder over about the relation of environment and activity of human being. How far anthropocentrism is acceptable, value of deep ecology and ecocentrismare elaborately discussed in order to create a sense of responsibility in minds of young students to protect our environment.
2.On the occasion of World Philosophy Day 2019 an essay writing competition was organized by the department in memory of RatnaDutta( a notable writer, poet, novelist, social activist and was Associate Professor of the department of Assamese of MDKG College who left for heavenly abode on 19.06.2019) among students on the topic ‘Utility of studying academic philosophy in the context of present day world’.
3.A talk cum interactive programme on ‘Building Positive Emotions’ was organized by the department on 07.03.2020.The invited speaker was Dr. PranjalBuragohain,faculty member of department of Education in Dibrugarh University. Speaking on the occasion,he shared various views and perspectives on cognitive and non-cognitive emotions influence every activity of individual.He profusely spoke on the emotion of ‘gratitude’ and mentioned few ways to create gratefulness and to build ‘gratitude’ as positive emotion. The programme was a grand success due to very active participation and interaction of the students from all department of college.
4.A National Webinar organized by the department of Philosophy in association with department of Sanskrit of MDKG College on 24.07.2020 on ‘Relevance of Ancient Indian Wisdom for Sustainable Living in the Context of Global Pandemic’. Two sessions of the webinar were as the following—-
a.Resource person of the first session PadmashreeNiveditaRaghunathan delivered her lecture on ‘Yoga -a Way to Combat,Challenges in the Context of Global Pandemic’.The session ended with interaction with participants.
b.Resource Person of the second session Professor Dr. Devendra Mohan of IITBenaras Hindu University delivered his lecture on ‘Insight into Deep Ecology -an Ancient Indian Wisdom for Sustainable Living in the Context of Global Pandemic’.
5.Celebration of ‘World Philosophy Day 2020’: On the occasion of World Philosophy Day 2020 an online essay writing competition was organized by the department among the students of Arts and Science block on the topic ‘Role of Environmental Awareness to Eradicate Covid like Pandemic’.
6.Lectures by invited speaker:
a. A lecture was organized by the department on ‘Set Theory’ on 09.2019 and resource person for the same was Dr. Kiritinath Kalita,faculty member in Centre for Philosophical Study of Dibrugarh University.
b. An online lecture (through Google meet platform) was organized by the department on 07.2021.on ‘Satyagraha’(Gandhi) and resource person for the same was NilufarRahman,faculty member in the department of Philosophy of DHS Kanoi College,Dibrugarh.
c. An online lecture (through Google meet platform)was organized by the department on 07.2021on ‘Gandhi’s View on Religion and God’and resource person for the same was Nilanjana Sharma who served as Assistant Professor in Philosophy in Centre for Juridical Study of Dibrugarh University.
Target group for above mentioned lecture programme was students of the department of Philosophy.
Department of Sanskrit
Prācyā(ISSN 2278-4004), the annual Peer Reviewed UGC CARE List Journal of the Dept of Sanskrit, MDK Girls’ College, Dibrugarh, Assam which had a humble beginning at the initiative of Dr Manashi Sharma in the year 2007 has crossed a decade with the publication of its 10th issue in 2018. It has created a niche among the intellectual community over the span of 12 years and attracted interest of the readers, scholars and authors. Thismultilingual journal has been brought out on particular topics, such as Dharma, Humanism, Environment Vedānta, Science, Politics, Smriti,Purāṇa,Buddhism&Cārvāka-Jaina. The XIII volume will be brought out on Sāṁkhya-Yoga schools of Indian philosophy in September, 2021. The journal accommodates papers on different topics dealt in Sanskrit and allied literature.
ICSSR Sponsored Workshop on Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism held at MDKG College
Dibrugarh, 8th February, A 7 days long ICSSR sponsored workshop on Manuscriptology and Textual Criticism was held at MDKG College, Dibrugarh from 1st-7th February, 2021. The workshop was jointly organized by the Departments of Sanskrit, Assamese & History in association with the District Library, Dibrugarh. Dr NibeditaPhukan, the Principal of the college explained the objective of the event while welcoming the gathering in the inaugural function which was graced among others by Ms D Das, librarian, Dibrugarh District Library. Dr Sristidhar Dutta, eminent educationist & former Dean of Social Sciences, Rajib Gandhi University formally inaugurated the event with a splendid speech and hailed the organizers for holding such a workshop. Prof. Dutta, who has himself done a lot of work on Manuscriptology, also mentioned that the workshop will bring awareness amongst the participants to study the manuscripts which are yet to be collected and textually edited. Dr. B. K. Barua, Prof. Emeritus of Dibrugarh University and a distinguished scholar & linguist, in his keynote speech, addressed various aspects of Manuscriptology and text editing.
Dr.RatnaBasu, Professor of Calcutta University (Rtd.) an eminent expert on Manuscriptology of both National and International fame, Prof. B. K. Barua, Prof. D. D. Nath, Vice Chancellor, Majuli Cultural University, Dr.Utpal Das, Librarian i/c, L. N. B. Central Library, D. U. and Dhanjit Talukdar, Archival Assistant, K. K. HANDIQUE LIBRARY, G. U. took part in various sessions of the Workshop as Resource Persons. Topics covered in the Workshop were – Origin and Antiquity of Indian Writing, Scope and Necessity of Textual Criticism &Manuscriptology, Familiarizing with different Ancient Scripts of Indian Manuscripts, Methodology of Transcription, Scientific Study of Manuscriptology, Biological Deterioration of Wood Origin Manuscript Heritage, Scientific Conservation & Preservation of Sanchipat, Identification of Manuscripts, Introducing Old Manuscripts of Assam etc. About thirty Participants who came from different educational institutes from Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Dhemaji& Moran were imparted training on reading Sanskrit, Assamese & Tai Manuscripts. Sahitya Akademi awardee & former Dean of Humanities, DU Prof N. K Handique graced the Valedictory function as distinguished guest. Certificates were distributed to the participants in the function.
Department of Sociology
Achievements of the Department:
- Students’ Achievements:
Name | Event | Position | Year |
Swadhinata Boruah | Poem Recitation Competition in All Assam Inter College Online Competition | 2nd | 2020 |
Shainee Sonowal | All India Inter University Karate Tournament | 2nd | 2020 |
Karishma J.K. Baishnavi | Book Review Competition at 4thDibrugarh Book Fair | 1st | 2020 |
- Talk was organised for students and delivered by JuilMahanta, one of the teachers of “Art of living (AOL). The programme was held in the month of September 2019 in the Department of Sociology.
- Special class was conducted for first semester (CBCS) honours studentsin the month of September 2019, keeping in view the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. One of the Units of Core 1 paper was taught by Dr. Rizia Begum Laskar. Assistant Professor,Department of English of the College, titled “Politically Correct Bed Time Stories”.
Talk was organised on 13th February 2020 with the topic, “Social structure in NE India: A New perspective”, presented by Dr. SanjeebGoswami, Adjunct Professor (University of Science and Technology) as Resource person.
2021 (lecture series)
- An online talk was held on 4th January 2021 at 5.30 p.m. at Google meet on the topic, “Career Prospects in Sports Sociology”, presented by Dr. Sanjay Tiwary, Managing committee member of Indian Sociological Society and founder of Sports Sociology RC group and president of Uttar Pradesh Athletic Association. Programme was successful with 110 participants.
- Anonline talk was held on 26th January 2021 at 3.30 p.m. on the topic “Sociology for Journalism”. The speaker was Kanchan jyoti Gohain, Journalist of Print, Electronic and Social media.
- An online talk was held on 28/01/2021 at 5 p.m.via Google meet on the topic,”Digital Media Literacy” and the speaker was Dr. Manushi, Indian Institute of Mass communication, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India.
- The online talk was held on 29/01/2021 at 12 noon on the topic “Cuisine: Replica of Socio-cultural Life of People”. The speaker Dr. Soma Banerjee, was fromNMS Mahavidyalaya, Murshidabad, West Bengal.
Manoharian Rural Outreach Programme:
Students from the Department of Sociology participated in the programme organized by the college on the occasion of celebration of International Women’s Day, 2021on 8th March, 2021, in NagakheliaGaon, the adopted village of the college. Students were benefitted from the talk on, “Role of Women’s Health in Nation Building” presented by Dr. PranatiMedhi, Department of Pathology, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh.
Students participated in data collection with the help of interview schedule technique on the same day for economic and socio-cultural survey of adopted village, NagakheliaGaonfor future extended social and developmental activities of the college.
Celebration of Constitution Day at MDKG College
NSS unit of MDKG College celebrates the Constitution Day with great pomp with the college teaching and non-teaching staff at college premises. Dr. Ashwini Machey, NSS Programme Officer initiated the programme and Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal explained the significance of celebrating the National Constitution Day as well as the importance of the Preamble.

Awareness programme on cleanliness
On 12th March 2021 NSS Unit Volunteers participated in an awareness programme on cleanliness and anti polythene campaigning at Chowkidingee field in the Book Fair and some other Fairs.

Covid Vaccination Awareness Program
The NSS volunteers engaged themselves in a Covid awareness programme in our adopted village NagakheliaGaon They also helped to register people for vaccination.
Principal Dr. NibeditaPhukan delivered to the villages as well as to the students. A poster and slogan witting competition was held on COVID Awareness and vaccination.

Young Warrior Movement

NSS volunteers planted saplings on the occasion of Van Mahotsav (Forestry week)from 1stJuly to 7THJuly to create awareness of the needs of plantation among their family members and neighbourhood.
Online Quiz Competition was organized on the occasion of van Mahotsav among the NSS volunteers.
Online poster Competiton was also organized on the occasion of van Mahotsav.

NSS volunteers observed “AZADI KA AMRIT MOHATSAV- INDIA @75”(75 years of India’s independence) by making small videos while singing national anthem.

Celebration of International Yoga Day
On 21st June 2021, a digital program of yoga was organized by NSS Unit in collaboration with IQAC of the College. A number of students participated along with faculty members and others dignitaries and few participants from Nagakhelia Gaon, the adopted village of the College.
At the very outset, Principal Dr. Nibedita Phukan delivered her illuminating inaugural speech which motivated the participants for practicing of yoga in daily life. After that Yogini Juli Agarwal, disciple of Baba Ramdeva demonstrated various yoga asanas and described the utility of Yoga on our health and mind. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. UtpalSut, Assistant Professor of Economics and Coordinator of IQAC. Utpal Gogoi, Program Officer of NSS Unit of the college anchored the program.
Street Drama ‘MuktaSwapna’
Gender sensitization is the basic condition for a civilized society that counts on social equality, liberty and rights for every section of people. For every civilised society, gender sensitivity is quite essential because only through proper understanding of gender issues and concerns gender justice can be established in a society. The third world societies like India often encounter gender violence of various kinds like molestation, eve-teasing,voyeurism, stocking, character assassination and even rape. In this context, Assam is infamously listed in the red-map where gender violence, especially violence against women has reached an unmanageable level. Along with this sexual violence against the transgender and inter-sex is also a matter of equal concern. Thus it is really important that the educated section of the society take the responsibility of sensitising and spreading awareness among the people of the community about different issues related to gender.With the above objectives in consideration, Gender sensitisation Cell and Women Cell of MDKG College jointly performed a drama ‘MUKTASWAPNA’ under the aegis of the IQAC, MDKG College, on 21/10/19 infront of the Sohum Mall of the city. The drama was performed in memory of Late Ratna Dutta, former teacher and veteran in the field of drama and literature and who was also the ex co-ordinator of the Gender sensitisation and Sexual harassment Cell. Teachers and students from MDKG College acted in the drama with high zeal and enthusiasm.The drama successfully appealed to a great mass of audience as people of the town gathered to watch the performance. Faculties and staff of the college also participated as audience of the drama in huge capacity. After the end of performance,the Principal of the college Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Vice-principal Dr. G. D. Goswami and coordinator of the Gender sensitisation and sexual harassment complaint cell Dr. Anita Sharma addressed the Media and explained about the objectives and theme of the drama. The programme was a successful one.

International Women’s Day, 2020
0n the occasion of “International Women’s Day” a talk was organised by Cell for Women Studies and Development under the aegis of IQAC. It was organised on 7th March 2020 on the previous day due to unavailability of the resource Dr. Farzana Zahir, a faculty member of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh. She delivered a talk on the topic,”Young Women Health Care Awareness”.
The talk emphasised on healthy eating and balanced diet for young women,otherwise leading to anaemia and malnutrition. She detailed the precautionary measures of the problems. She mentioned the merits of hygiene, painful periods and its prevention, menstrual hygiene; facts of HPV infections, PCOD (polycystic ovarian diseases), need of regular exercises, good diet, spiritual health issues were discussed.

Minutes of the Meeting held on 12.03.2020 of ICC
The first meeting of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), MDKG College was held on 12.03.2020. Dr. Purnima Duarah Saikia, Principal, DHSK Law College, who is also the External Member of the ICC,MDKG College graced the occassion and delivered a talk on ‘Laws of Sexual Harassment at Work Place’. In her speech, Dr Saikia elaborately discussed the available laws related to Sexual Harassment at Work Place. She also talked variously on other laws that are available to combat sexual crime.
The Principal of the College, Dr. Nibedita Phukan also spoke on the occassion and inspired the students to come out and talk about any kind of sexual harassment if they face any.She talked about the different kinds of sexual harassment that a girl may undergo.
The response of the students to the programme was overwhelming and almost 150 students participated in the programme.
(polycystic ovarian diseases), need of regular exercises, good diet, spiritual health issues were discussed.
Celebration of International Women’s Day at Nagakhelia Gaon, Dibrugarh
On the occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration Dr. Pranati Medhi, Department of Pathology, Assam Medical College Hospital, Dibrugarh, Assam was invited as the resource person. Shedelivered a lecture on “Role of Women’s Health in Nation Building” to the village women of Nagakhelia Village. The following topics and activities were done: Speech by resource person on their role to today’s society.
- Health of women.
- Prevention and precautionary care to breast cancer.
- Menstrual problems of girls.
- Menopause problems of women.
- Precautionary measures to different women related diseases.
- Awareness on how to use Sanitary napkins to the village women.
- Distribution of Sanitary napkins to the village women as well as to our Students.
- Many village women sang marriage songs, prayers etc.
- Village women gave a highly appreciable feedback of today’s interactive session with the resource person Dr. Pranati Medhi.(polycystic ovarian diseases), need of regular exercises, good diet, spiritual health issues were discussed.

On 11th November, 2019 a talk on “How to score well in examination” was organized by the Psychological Counselling Committee of MDKG College, Dibrugarh in the Auditorium at 11.00 am. Dr. Indrani Sengupta, Department of Education, MDKG College was the resource person and around 130 students of B.A/B.Sc 1st Semester participated in the programme. The importance of healthy diet, good sleep/wake cycle, ways to handle performance related stress and the symptoms of anxiety were emphasized in the talk.

- On 2nd November, 2019, two students of M.D.K.G. College participated in a debate competition held by United Bank of India, Dibrugarh Regional Branch. The topic of the debate competition was “In today’s social context, corruption is an oxymoron (a necessary evil)”. BasudhaRaje of 5th Semester, English department spoke for the motion and KarishmaBaishnabi of 3rd Semester, Sociology department spoke against the motion. KarishmaBaishnabi secured the second runner’s up position in the aforementioned competition.
- Dibrugarh University, AASU Unit organized a one day workshop 16th November, 2019 on debating skills and public speaking. 14 students from H.S. First year participated in the workshop. Along with it, Dr. Anita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science and Dr. Rizia Begum Laskar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English were invited as resource persons to the same event.
The Debating and Literary Society of MDKG College invited Pranjit Neog, News Desk Editor, Pratidin Time for an interaction programme with the students of M.D.K.G. College on 14th March, 2020. The topic chosen by the speaker was “Debate, Personality and Mass Media”. Students from all the semesters were present for the interactive session. The speaker spoke at length about the necessity of debate for the formation of a healthy society and how the ability to engage in logical and rational argument leads to the development of personality. Being associated with the media for a long time has provided the speaker with enough hands on experience to share with the students the requirements of a job in media. Various anecdotes were shared to elaborate on the pros and cons of media. The speaker however emphasised more on the relation between debating ability and personality development and urged the students to engage themselves more and more with debate. He also related his own experiences as a student debater and subsequent association with the media. There was a lively interaction with the students where various questions regarding each and every aspect of debating and more importantly media were discussed and scrutinised.
As per discussion taken on 6th March 2021 among the Executive members of MDKG College alumni Association, the house resolved to organize a ‘Mental Health awareness Programme in the college hostel to keep students to gear up their mental strength.
So, the programme was organized on 13th March 2021 Saturday at the MDKG College hostel premise. Invited Resource Person- BornaliNathDowerah, Assistant Professor, Department of English, MDKG College, Dibrugarh delivered a lecture on the topic-‘THERAPEUTIC RRACTICES FOR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WELLNESS’.
The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Anju Borah, Associate Professor, Dept. of Assamese, and hostel Superintendent.
As a speaker, PurnimaChutia, vice-principal of science faculty, and Associate Professor, department of Mathematics, shared her valuable experience related to the said topic of mental health.
The other members present, Dr. RupaliMazumder, Dipanwita Bora and Dr. Anita Sharma took active participation in the programme.

An online essay writing competition was held on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5the June 2020. The topic of the essay was “Threat to Biodiversity of Assam and its Probable Solutions”. The competition was held among undergraduate level students of the college and 50 students participated in it. The declared winners of the competition were,
1st Prize: Sharmistha Gogoi, 6th Semester, Department of Political Sc.
2nd Prize: Shatabdi Kakoty, 2nd Semester, Department of Economics
3rd Prize: Rishika Borah, 2nd Semester, B.Sc.
No of students -25 (Chemistry 21+Physics 4)
No of Teacher -03 (RajjyotiGogoi, AnirbanSingha, Polly Sarkar)
Date of journey -26th January, 2020 from Banipur Train Station
Date of return-28th January 2020, from Paltan Bazar
Date of Visit-27th January 2020
The teachers-students group of MDKG College arrived at Guwahati Railway Station at 8.30 a.m. on 27th January 2020. They reached the IITG campus at about 11.30 a.m. They were welcomed by the IITG authority.Dr. Sidananda Sharma and his team demonstratedvarious science activitiesin the department of Physics which were very interesting and enriching in terms of visualizing concepts of physics. Afterwards they moved to visit XRD machine laboratory at the said department. Research Scholars from the department explained and interacted with the students about current researches over there.
Post lunch visit was to the department of Chemistry coordinated by Dr. Babulal Das. He took the group to other laboratories and explained how these worked. They visited CIF at IITG to understand the mechanism of various sophisticated instruments like TGA, optical microspore, UV spectrometer, FTIR,Polari meter, Single crystal XRD etc. The group visited the personal laboratory of Dr. KalyanRaidongia, an Assistant Professor of Department of Chemistry of IITG. He interacted with the students about the current innovative research activities in his laboratory and thus inspired the students’group for higher studies at IITs. Some of his research scholars demonstrated their research activities. The group felicitated the coordinator faculty members and research scholars. It was an all round trip which proved to be an effective method to encourage students in higher studies and researches.

On the occasion of National Science Day 2020, a district level drawing and extempore speech competition was organized by the College in the Science block under the patronage of the Principal Dr. Nibedita Phukan. Total 48 number of schools participated with 120 number of students. The competition was held in two groups (Group A is from Class 5 to class7 & Group B is from Class 8 to Class 10).
The inaugural program was started from 9 a.m. with lighting of lamp. College song was performed by the students. After the felicitation of guests and resource persons a welcome speech was delivered by Diganta Kakoty. Dr. Dilip Kumar Bhuyan, former principal of the College and Dr. Minu Buragohain, Retired Associate Professor of Physics, DHSK College were invited as speakers. They delivered their talks which enlighten the role of women in science among the audience. Dr. Purnima Saikia delivered vote of thanks and the competitions were started at 10 a.m. The Inaugural program was hosted by Sangeeta Gogoi, 6th Semester student of Zoology.
The competition was started on time and along with that a science model exhibition was organized by students at various laboratories viz. Chemistry,Physics, Botany and Zoology. All the students, teacher in charges and guests visited the exhibition.
Extempore speech was judged by Dr. Gayatri Devi Goswami, Dr. Shadhya Devi, Dr. Purnima Chutia and Dr. Juli Konwar. The Art competition was judged by Mrs. Deepshikha Chakraborty and Mr. Pranab Khaund.
The closing ceremony was started at 2 p.m. Dr. Kalyan Bhuyan (Director, IQAC,DU) was invited as resource person.Dr. UtpalSutandDipankar Sharma deliveredtheir views regarding the program and the national science day.Participation certificates were distributed by RajjyotiGogoi to all the students fromvarious schools. The 1st prize holder of each group was given a trophy, certificate and a cashprize of Rs. 500/-.Vote of thanks was offered by AnirbanSinghaand program ended with singing “jatiyasangeet, “O moraponardekh”, hosted byBlocksengpha, 4th Semester student from Mathematics Department.
OrganizingCommitteeof NationalScieneceDay,2020
Patron – Dr. Nibedita PhukanAdvisors-Dr.PurnimaChetia
Dr.Juli Konwar Diganta Kakoty
President- Dr. Purnima Saikia Convenor-Rajjyoti Gogoi Joint convenor –Anirban Singha Coordinators
Registration–Dr.Porineeta Dutta, Dr. Shreemoyee Bordoloi,
Hall Preparation- Ambarish Bhuyan, Nipen Nayak, Prativa Gohain Food-Polly Sarkar and Acharjee konwar
Certificate-Parmita Phukan and Kabyashree Travel-Nayanjyoti Sharma
Documentation and Photography-Amitav kakaoty and Rimpi Sarma

Post-event summary report
Name of event: Inaugural of NPRD Club
Date of event: 9th of March, 2021
Location of event: MDKG College ( science block)
No of person attending: 46
Background: On 9th of march, 2021 a new club namely News Paper Reading and Discussion club has been founded by Rajjyoti Gogoi, Asst. professor department of chemistry under the patronage of the principal of MDKG College Dr. Nibedita Phukan. The main objectives of the NPRD club is to render students to participate in regular news reading , career counseling, preparing for competitive examination , group discussion , public speaking , creative writing . The college authority has issued regular national and local newspapers and magazines to the club for this purpose.
Inaugural day summary
On the occasion of the inaugural day , a talk has been organized on the topic “ Importance of newspaper reading from the prospect of civil service examination” by esteemed guest faculty Mr. Geet Bordoloi . The meeting started with the welcome address by Rajjyoti Gogoi then a key note speech delivered by Dr. Nibedita Phukan . She mentioned importance of newspaper in our daily lives and ways to read in different sections for clear understanding. She also encourages students to participate in creative writings for overall development in personality. After the keynote speech, invited guest Mr. Geet Bordoloi shared his valuable talk on the mentioned topic and gave insight into the co-relation between news and civil server examination pattern.
During the session students as well as teacher’s shared opinions, thoughts and suggestions in the program. Then the club is formally started from 9th of march, 2021 and under process till date.
Current activities
Regular meetings were organized with the registered students. Since pandemic lock down the discussions are going online.

VENUE: ROOM No. 1, Main Campus
Ms. Bornali Nath Dowerah, as the member of the committee of Students’ Support and Progression Cell introduced the resource person Pranjal Phukan. He started the session with Omkara mantra revealing its essence and significance. He enlightened the audience, which comprised of mostly students and few teachers, about breathing techniques of Pranayama. Besides, he talked about the benefits of certain “asanas” that can bring fitness in both physical and mental dimensions to students. He cited relevant instances from daily life activities in which yoga can be adopted as a practice and life-style. He demonstrated yoga poses and meditation techniques which were followed by the students. It was encouraging to observe the active participation of both teachers and students during the event. The last segment of the program was an interactive session in which Shri Phukan answered to problems related to joint pains, bones, memory functioning, thyroid regulations and focus development. This was followed by Mousumi Bordoloi wrapping up the program with vote of thanks.
On the occasion of Global Pride Day on 28th June, 2021, Student’s Union Society of the College organized a webinar in collaboration with Department of English of the College.The day has been celebrated with a talk and interactive session with Dr. Mukul Kumar Sarma, HoD and Associate Professor, Department of English, Bapujee College, Sarukshetri, Assam with the topic, “Need of Gender and Sexuality Education in Assam”. He is an activist, columnist, writer, poet, researcher and experiential counsellor on LGBTQ+ issues. This has been a history making step to formally organise a Pride event at an institutional level in Assam so far. Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh has extended its openness in thoughts by conducting such program.
The webinarwas inaugurated by Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal of the College,Bornali Nath Dowerah, Assistant Professor of English,and Ph. D. researcher on queer Young Adult literature from Dibrugarh University coordinated the programme while Dr. Rizia Begum Laskar, Assistant Professor of English, hosted the same.
- Sarma, shared his experiences of coming out of the closet and his contributions in the field of gender and sexuality within Assam. He highlighted the necessity of awareness of counselling for LGBTQ+ in our society. He expressed his literary pursuits from a queer perspective in his poetry published in the English daily, ‘The Assam Tribune’, and his other articles. He mentioned the eminent Assamese activists like Milin Dutta, Mayuri Deka and others, and how they are engaged in spreading awareness among student fraternity about this particular issue at national level. The event concludes with vote of thanks offered by the President of MDKG College Students’ Union Society, Ms. Poritporna Bora. This celebration set a benchmark for other institutions for heralding awareness of gender and sexuality among students and teaching fraternities considering LGBTQ+ community not as the other but for inclusiveness.
After the formation of separate Sports Board at the initiative of Principal Dr.NibeditaPhukan in 2020, a number of decisions have been taking by the board for the uplift of sports and also to create an environment of awareness among the students about the needs of sports in our day to day life.
On 2nd February 2021 a program was organized by the board where Mr Pranjal Phukan had delivered his speech before the students as a resource person on the needs of sports.
Weekly coaching classes,self-defense and yoga are introduced in college.
In the midst of pandemic situation though a lot of program has been proposed to perform like coaching on gymnasium, athletics, indoor and outdoor sports and to organize frequent competition on different sports event it has been postponed temporarily.

- Dr Manashi Sharma was invited to deliver Dr S. S Janaki Commemoration Endowment lecture held online on 21st August by Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Chennai, a Renowned institute for Sanskrit Studies. She spoke on Sardulasakatam of Birendra Kumar Bhattacharyya
2.She was invited by the Dept of Sanskrit, Dibru College, Dibrugarh to conduct online classes for 4th semester Sanskrit Honours from 29th-31st July, 2021. The class were attended by the students of DHSK College, Dibrugarh, Jhanji HNS College & Dergaon Kamal Duwara College, Dergaon apart from the students of Dibru College.
3. She was invited by the Dept of Sanskrit, B. BAROOAH COLLEGE, Guwahati to conduct online classes for 4th semester Honours from 24th-26th August, 2021.
The students of Nalbari and Nagaon College also attended the classes
Dr. Utpal Sut, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, MDKG College awarded Ph.D. by Dibrugarh University as per notification on 1/11/2019.

1) Surojit Bhattacharjee, Junior assistant of MDKG College participated in two days online Workshop on CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF organized by IQAC Nagaon College.
2) Completed Web Designing Course from Imti Digital Marketing, New Delhi

1) Pubali Barman, Libarary Assistant of MDKG College participated in the National Level online Workshop on Kaha (ILMS) organized by Bahona College Jorhat.
2) Participated in two days online Workshop on CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF organized by IQAC Nagaon College.

Bidyut Baruah, Junior assistant of MDKG College participated in two days online Workshop on CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF organized by IQAC Nagaon College.

Congratulation to Miss Saujanya Baruah, daughter of Bikash Chandra Baruah of MDKG College completed Master’s in Psychology from the Central University of Punjab.
First class 3rd with 7.48 CGPA

অনলাইন পৰীক্ষাৰ অভিজ্ঞতা - নিবেদিতা ফুকন
চাকৰিৰ কৰ্মব্যস্ততাৰ মাজতে দূৰ শিক্ষাৰে এম বি এ পাঠ্যক্ৰমত যোগ দিছিলো ৷ চাকৰিৰ মাজে মাজে পৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুতি চলাই আছো ৷ এচাইনমেন্ট ইত্যাদি সময়মতেই অনলাইন পদ্ধতিৰে জমা দি আছো ৷ প্ৰথম ষন্মাসিকৰ প্ৰথম পৰীক্ষাৰ দিন আহি পালে ৷ বহুত বছৰৰ মূৰত পৰীক্ষাত লিখিবলৈ বহিম ৷ শিক্ষক হিচাপে পৰীক্ষাত নিৰীক্ষণৰ দায়িত্ব আৰু পৰীক্ষা চলোৱাৰ দায়িত্বতহে আমিবোৰ অভ্যস্ত ৷ এইবাৰ মই পৰীক্ষা পদ্ধতিৰ ইটো মূৰত ৷
সেয়া যি কি নহওক, পৰীক্ষাত লিখিবৰ বাবে মুঠ নটা কলম লৈ পৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে সাজু হ’লো ৷ দূৰশিক্ষাৰ এই পাঠ্যক্ৰমৰ পৰীক্ষা তিনিচুকীয়াৰ এখন বিদ্যালয়ত হৈছিল ৷ কেইবাটাও শ্বীফ্টত হোৱা পৰীক্ষাত শ্লট নিজৰ সুবিধামতে বুক কৰিব পাৰি ৷ কিন্তু কেতিয়াবা বিচৰামতে শ্লট পোৱা সম্ভৱ নহ’বও পাৰে ৷ কিন্তু মই বিচৰা সময়খিনিতে শ্লট পাইছিলো ৷ এইখিনিলৈকে সকলো থিকেই আছিল ৷ কমপিউটাৰত শ্লট বুক কৰিয়ে পৰীক্ষাত লিখিবলৈ ওলাইছিলো ৷ পৰীক্ষাকেন্দ্ৰ পালোগৈ ৷ পৰীক্ষা আৰম্ভ হ’বলৈ সময় এতিয়াও বাকী আছে ৷ তলত এজনক সুধি পৰীক্ষা ওপৰ মহলাত হ’ব বুলি জানি ওপৰলৈ উঠি গলো ৷ চিৰিৰে উঠি গৈয়ে সমুখৰ দুৱাৰ খোলা কোঠালিটো দেখি আগবাঢ়ি গলো ৷ অলপ বয়সস্থ মানুহ এজন কোঠালিটোৰ দায়িত্বত আছে ৷ মই বিদ্যালয়ৰ প্ৰধান শিক্ষক বুলি ভাবিছিলো ৷ তেখেতক দেখি আগবাঢ়ি গৈ সুধিলো পৰীক্ষা ক’ত হ’ব বুলি ৷ তেখেতে ক’লে ইয়াতে হ’ব বুলি ৷ মই কোঠালিটো চকু ফুৰাই আচৰিত হলো ইয়াত বহি কেনেকৈ পৰীক্ষাত লিখিম ! কোঠাটোত ডেস্ক-বেন্চ একো নাই ! চাৰিওখন বেৰা ঘেৰি মুঠ আঠাইচটা কমপিউটাৰ ! মানুহজনৰ পৰা পোৱা তথ্যখিনি ভুল বুলি ভাবি কৰিডৰটোৰে সোঁফালে থকা শ্ৰেণীকোঠাবোৰৰ ফালে আগবাঢ়ি গলো ৷ না, এটা শ্ৰেণীকোঠাও খোলা অৱস্থাত নাই! মই ক’ত বহি পৰীক্ষাত লিখিম? চকীদাৰ যেন লগা মানুহজনক সুধিলো, পৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে বেলেগ কোঠা আছে নেকি ? সেই এটা ৰূমতে পৰীক্ষা হয় বুলি ক’লে ৷ আকৌ আগৰ কোঠালিলৈ আগবাঢ়িলো ৷ কি হ’ব একো ধৰিব পৰা নাই ৷ এইবাৰ ৰূমটোত এজন ল’ৰা দেখিলো ৷ অসমৰ বাহিৰৰ বুলি ধৰিব পাৰি ৷ লাহে লাহে পৰীক্ষাৰ্থী গোট খাবলৈ লৈছে ৷ ল’ৰাজনে আহি পোৱা পৰীক্ষাৰ্থী সকলক নিজৰ চিটত বহিবলৈ নিৰ্দেশ দি আছে আৰু মবাইল ফ’নবোৰ বাহিৰত থৈ আহিবলৈ বুলি হিন্দীতে কৈ আছে ৷ মই ল’ৰাজনক মোৰ এডমিট কাৰ্ডখন দেখুৱাই সুধিলো মই ক’ত বহি পৰীক্ষাত লিখিম ? এডমিট কাৰ্ডৰ চিট নাম্বাৰটো কৈ কমপিউটাৰবোৰৰ ওপৰত বেৰত মাৰি থোৱা নিৰ্দিষ্ট কমপিউটাৰটোত বহিবলৈ ক’লে ৷ মই ক’লো মইতো কমপিউটাৰত পৰীক্ষা নিদিওঁ ৷ ল’ৰাজনে মোৰ এডমিট কাৰ্ডখন চাই ক’লে আপোনাৰ পৰীক্ষা অনলাইন হ’ব ৷ মোৰ মুৰত সৰগ ভাগি পৰিল ৷ কমপিউটাৰত কাম কৰাৰ পদ্ধতিগত প্ৰশিক্ষণ মোৰ নাই, তথাপিও এম ফিলৰ ডিচাৰ্টেচন নিজেই ডি টি পি কৰিছো, প্ৰয়োজনত পেজ মেকাৰতও কাম কৰিছো, পি পি টি বনাই প্ৰেজেন্টেচনও দিছো, কিন্তু অনলাইন পৰীক্ষা দিম বুলি কোনোদিন ভবা নাই ৷ নাৰ্ভাচ হৈছো ৷ লগত থকা কনটেক্ট নাম্বাৰেৰে ষ্টাডি চেন্টাৰৰ লগত যোগাযোগ কৰিলো ৷ ৰোল নাম্বাৰ কোৱাৰ লগে লগে ক’লে, “আপোনাৰ পৰীক্ষা অনলাইনত হ’ব ৷ আপোনাক এডমিছনৰ সময়তে আমি জনাইছিলো“ ৷ মনত পৰিল, হয় তেওঁলোকে জনাইছিল ৷ ইতিমধ্যে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পৰীক্ষা পদ্ধতি সম্পূৰ্ণ অনলাইন কৰি পেলাইছিল ৷ সেয়ে এডমিছনৰ বছৰ শুনিয়ে পৰীক্ষা অনলাইনত দিব লাগিব বুলি জানিছিল৷ কেনেকৈ মই কমপিউটাৰত সোমাম বুলি সোধাত ক’লে ৰোলনাম্বাৰটো দিব লাগিব, তাৰোপৰি পৰীক্ষাকেন্দ্ৰত পাছৱৰ্ড দিব ৷ সময় হোৱাত পৰীক্ষাত বহিলো ৷ অসুবিধা একো নহ’ল ৷ কিন্তু পৰীক্ষাৰ শেষলৈকে নাৰ্ভাচনেচটো থাকি গ’ল ৷ দহ নম্বৰৰ দীঘলীয়া প্ৰশ্নৰ ছটাৰ ভিতৰত চাৰিটা কৰিব লাগে ৷ মই এফালৰ পৰা কৰি ছটা কৰি পেলালো ৷ গৈয়েই প্ৰথম লগ পোৱা বয়সস্থ মানুহজন পৰীক্ষাকেন্দ্ৰৰ নিৰীক্ষক হিচাপে আছিল ৷ নিৰীক্ষকজনে মোৰ লগতে সকলোকে মন কৰি আছিল ৷ মোৰ ওচৰলৈ আহি ক’লে, ’লং কোৱেশ্চন চাৰিটাহে কৰিব লাগে নেকি৷’ প্ৰশ্নৰ নিৰ্দেশাৱলী চাই দুটা প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ ডিলিট কৰি দিলো ৷ নিৰীক্ষকজনৰ কথা পাছলৈ জানিছিলো যে ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয়কৃত বেংক এটাৰ পৰা তেখেতে শাখা প্ৰৱন্ধক হিচাপে অৱসৰ লৈ আজৰি সময়ত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়খনৰ পৰীক্ষা সংক্ৰান্তীয় কামৰ লগত জৰিত হৈ আছে ৷
জীৱনত প্ৰথম বাৰৰ বাবে অনলাইন পৰীক্ষাত বহাৰ অভিজ্ঞতা মনত ৰৈ গ’ল ৷ মানসিক প্ৰস্তুতি নোহোৱাৰ বাবে অনলাইনত পৰীক্ষা দিব লাগিব বুলি জানি মনটো কোঁচ খাই গৈছিল যদিও পৰীক্ষা শেষ হোৱাৰ পাছত এটা নতুন অভিজ্ঞতাই মনটো ভৰাই তুলিলে ৷ অনুভৱ কৰিছিলো অনলাইন পদ্ধতিৰে পৰীক্ষাত বহাৰ বাবে লিখিবলৈ বেছিহে সুবিধা হৈছিল ৷ কাগজ-কলমেৰে লিখিব লগা হ’লে হয়তো আটাইখিনি প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ কৰিব পৰা নগ’লহেঁতেন ৷ বৰ্তমান কভিডৰ অতিমাৰীয়ে শিক্ষাৰ্থীসকলক এই পৰিস্থিতিৰ লগত ইতিমধ্যেই পৰিচিত কৰি তুলিছে যিটো আমাৰ প্ৰজন্মৰ বাবে বহু পলমকৈ শিকা হৈছে ৷
Nibedita Phukan is the present Principal of Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh which she joined in September, 2019. Before joining this College as the Principal, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of English, Namrup College, with a teaching experience of twenty two years. She was awarded her Ph. D. from Gauhati University. She has presented national and international seminars in the country and abroad and published several research papers to her credit. She is an MBA in HR. Constant learning is her credibility. She loves reading and travelling. Studying and understanding of human nature is her leisure pursuit.

There are so many things which are important to us for a better living apart from all the daily routines that we practice. Because life is not just only about mere living if it is not worth a living. There is a very important thing which we often miss to recognize i.e. mental health. Despite its physical presence around us, its impact on our overall life is of immense amount because it controls all our emotions, feelings and ways of living in day to day life. Our entire understanding of our living derives from the understanding of it. In the present world, we often fail to understand about it and hence it has now become a silent epidemic most commonly found in younger generation. Everybody is looking for peace or a better life by underestimating it. That’s why we can see several numbers of suicidal incidents, people going through depression, cutting themselves from the closed ones and society. Mental health is a very silent but lethal disease which is very hard to identify but yet very common. Many people come across it at their different stages of their lives but find it very difficult to express it. That is why it is a silent epidemic of our society.
There are not any physical symptoms of it since it is not a clinical disease rather it is a psychological disease. Thus if the victim is not so much expressive you might never know if he or she is having this trouble. The victim should feel disturbance in his feelings, emotions or should be having anxiety, stress at over anything because, in our life we always try to please our physical being at the cost of anything without even considering once where our peace lies at. We never try to understand how we can attain our mental peace. Instead we keep on doing whatever we have to even if it is going against our will. Thus we tend to put more pressure on our mind. The complications regarding mental health is of tremendous amount and it can cost someone’s life too. The suicidal behaviour has become so common in our societies among the people being mentally disturbed. Many teenagers are not brave enough to face the realities and hence keeping their inner thoughts within themselves is like pushing themselves more into the dark tunnel. Though there is light on the other side of the tunnel but they get so deeply trapped in the dark, they fail to see the light. They fail even to express to their closed ones. Thus they are hurting themselves breeding within the most lethal disease. People might not get its gravity in general but in a longer sense its impacts are enormous. There are many reasons attributing to it like a bad relationship, career, family related issues or work stress etc.
What does a child know about the harsh realities of life? They right from the childhood find happiness in smaller things. But we are responsible somehow in pushing them to the dark web, the consequence which is seen later on. We push them into the world of competition and let them know the high expectation the people has got from them. People set the goals for them and things to be done without giving any thought what they actually want to do. Putting so much pressure on them to succeed everytime and success becoming the addiction leads them to a state of mind where failure becomes intolerable and does not know how to react to such kind of situation. When closed ones do not hear them out or understand them, the frustration inbuilds within them and they end up doing into something which they never meant to do but situation impulses them to do so.
However, the best way to tackle this silent monster is by letting the potential victims more expressive. The more they discuss about their issues to the outer world, the more lighter they will get of their issues. They need to be engaged socially. The people need to hear them out, understand them, and feel them. Family has to let them know the true meaning of living a life. It should not be important to anyone to compete with everyone and be the best but to realize where the happiness comes from and go after it. But equally important is the proper guidance from the closed ones in chasing his or her dream.
Sangita Gogoi is an Assistant Professor of Geography Department, Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh (Assam). She did her graduation from Cotton College and post graduation from Cotton College State University. She has completed her M. Phil from Gauhati University in 2017 and currently persuing her Ph.D from Geography Department, Gauhati University. She has keen interest in doing research on social issues and publishes paper on UGC Care-list journal and Scopus publication.